The PTR Act 2009 provides for licence transfer.
For a transfer to occur, the person to whom it is proposed to transfer a licence must apply to the Authority for a transfer of ownership using the appropriate application form.
In the event of the death of a licence holder, his or her personal representative may carry on the public bus passenger service to which the licence relates, under that licence, until the expiry of the licence. The personal representative of a licence holder may apply for the renewal of the licence (as outlined in the Guidelines), and shall on the renewal of the licence become the licence holder.
There are no other means of transferring a licence, and where the Authority becomes aware of the transfer of a licence other than as is provided for above, it shall revoke the licence with immediate effect.
Please see the Authority’s Guidelines for the Licensing of Public Bus Passenger Services and the PTR Act 2009 for more information.
The Application Form is available to view and download here.