The Transport for Ireland (TFI) network of public transport services is pleased to be sponsors of Dublin LGBTQ+ Pride 2021.
TFI is the single public transport brand established by the NTA to promote and integrate public transport services in Ireland.
The TFI public transport operators have individually been supporting Pride over the last number of years, but this year the support is being provided across all TFI services.
Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan, NTA CEO Anne Graham, Go-Ahead Ireland Managing Director Andrew Edwards and Chair of Dublin Pride Dr Muiris Ó Céidgh, today unveiled a special Pride themed bus which will take to the streets of Dublin and features the iconic rainbow flag design that wraps around the front and side of the bus. The bus, which is part of the TFI fleet operated by Go-Ahead Ireland, will be used to serve various routes in Dublin over the coming months.
For the first time, there will be TFI brand participation in the Dublin Pride Parade which will take place virtually this year due to current restrictions. The virtual parade clip will feature the theme of our partnership with Dublin Pride entitled ‘Destination Inclusion’ and will be broadcast directly from the Mansion House on the 26th of June.
To coincide with the virtual parade, the Go-Ahead bus will be driven around Dublin city centre with members of the public being encouraged to tweet their pictures to the Transport for Ireland Twitter page (@TFIupdates) if they catch a glimpse of the distinctive bus.
Chief Executive Officer of the National Transport Authority, Anne Graham said:
“We are thrilled to be supporting Pride this year under the partnership themed ‘Destination Inclusion’. It’s a great opportunity to promote TFI public transport services as an inclusive space where everyone is welcome. We strongly believe that everyone should feel free to be themselves at work and on public transport and as such we are proud to champion diversity and inclusion.”
Go-Ahead Ireland Managing Director, Andrew Edwards said:
“We’re delighted to be able to support TFI by wrapping one of our buses to celebrate Pride and diversity. I think it will be a great addition to the city, and I hope that everyone who lives, visits or works in Dublin will have an opportunity to see this bus while it’s in service.”
Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan said:
“Like many others, I will be disappointed to not be able to participate in person at the Dublin Pride parade this year. It has always been such a special celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. It’s great that the NTA and Go-Ahead Ireland have teamed up to mark the occasion with this specially wrapped bus so that even though the parade is taking place virtually this year the Iconic rainbow flag will still be present on the streets of Dublin.”