Local Area Hackney – New Application – Kilnaboy Co. Clare

5 February 2025

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012.

The purpose of the Local Area Hackney is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand for these services but they cannot displace any existing SPSV services. This licence is restricted to a specified geographical area surrounding a named village or townland. The area is specified on the licence and it is that community which is the sole focus of the service.

An application has been received for a Local Area Hackney licence in the Kilnaboy area. If you operate in or near this area and have any questions or observations, please contact taxis@nationaltransport.ie

Note that NTA can only issue local area hackney licences where it is satisfied that: (a) there is a demand for local area hackney services in the area in respect of which the licence is sought, and (b) the public transport needs of the area in respect of which the licence is sought are not being adequately met by existing public transport services. The local area hackney licence must not be used to replace or displace conventional taxi or hackney drivers or services entitled to operate in the area.  Under the applicable legislation, NTA is permitted to grant a licence if it is satisfied that the public transport needs of the local area can only be met through the granting of this special purpose local area hackney licence.

For more details on the Local Area Hackney Licence please see our guide here