Showing 1061 - 1070 of 1131 articles
Ambitious suite of initiatives will transform bus services in Dublin region BusConnects, a suite of initiatives to radically transform public transport in the Dublin region, was launched today by Minister for Transport Sport and Tourism Shane Ross, and Anne Graham, Chief Executive Officer of the National Transport Authority. The ambitious proposals will put bus services...
Minister seeks to appoint Chair to NTA Board
The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport is seeking expressions of interest for the appointment of a Chairperson to the Board of the National Transport Authority. This is a critically important position in providing strategic leadership to an organisation which is central to the State’s regulation, planning and development of public transport services and infrastructure....
Introductory Statement from Anne Graham, CEO of NTA to Seanad Committee on Brexit
Chairperson and members of the committee, thank you for the invitation to attend. I understand that the Committee wishes to focus today upon the impact on transport of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. To assist me in dealing with your subsequent questions I am joined by Anneliese Jones, Public Transport...
Dramatic increase in NTA taxi checks in 2016
There was a dramatic increase in the number of on street licensing checks carried out by NTA Compliance Officers last year, according to the latest Taxi Statistical Bulletin published on 1st May 2017.
WAV17 Grant Scheme – Waiting List Opened
An incredible 416 applications have been already received for the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Grant Scheme which opened on 03 April 2017.
Smarter Travel Awards 2017 – Winners announced
Smarter Travel Awards recognise workplaces and campuses that support sustainable travel.
Leap Top-up App enhancement goes live
The latest version of National Transport Authority’s Leap Top-Up app goes live this week, with several innovative features being rolled out.
How to Better Support Passengers with Memory Loss or Dementia
The Dementia Elevator project is delighted to let you know that a free Dementia Awareness Training programme for Transport Service Providers is now freely available using this link The training is interactive, engaging and divided into short modules, including a series of video scenarios set on a transport service, exploring supportive communication skills, and...
In the first 24 hours of WAV17, an incredible 106 applications were received by NTA. Remember this Grant is operated on a first received basis – we are getting very close to having to start a waiting list. Provisional Grant Offer Letters will issue to appropriate Applicants within two weeks of receipt of applications. The...