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Showing 471 - 480 of 1024 articles

Luas Finglas Preferred Route Publication Consultation

The Preferred Route for Luas Finglas will be published today, following a very positive reaction to the Emerging Preferred Route which was published in July 2020. Over 700 submissions were received and these were taken into account by the Luas Finglas Design Team in consultation with the local communities, local representatives, business interests and stakeholders...

STORM BARRA – Tomorrow

Met Éireann Weather Warning – Issued: 13:47 Monday 06/12/2021 “Status Red – Wind warning for Cork, Kerry Storm Barra: Southwesterly winds later veering northwesterly will reach mean speeds in excess of 80 km/h with severe or damaging gusts in excess of 130km/h. Due to a combination of high waves, storm surge and high tide, coastal...

Céim a Dó de BusConnects – Tagann Dromlach C i mBun Oibre

Mar thoradh ar thabhairt isteach sheirbhís nua Dhromlach C, méadófar minicíocht, acmhainn agus rochtain ar an taobh thiar agus an taobh thoir de lár na cathrach. Ag obair dó i gcomhar le Bus Átha Cliath agus le Go-Ahead Ireland, sheol an tÚdarás Náisiúnta Iompair an dara céim de ghréasán nua BusConnects do Bhaile Átha Cliath...

Phase Two of BusConnects: “C Spine” Goes Live

The National Transport Authority in conjunction with Dublin Bus and Go-Ahead Ireland have today launched the second phase of the new BusConnects network for Dublin. The “C-Spine” will commence on 28th November and will serve the communities of Maynooth, Celbridge, Leixlip, Lucan, Adamstown, Liffey Valley and Palmerstown to the City Centre as well as Ringsend...

Grúpa Comhairleach Úsáideoirí Iopair le Bunú ag an Údarás Náisiúnta Iompair

Tabharfaidh an grúpa comhairle agus moltaí don Údarás ó thaobh úsáideoirí iompair de agus ó thaobh na ndaoine sin a ghabhann don taisteal gníomhach de araon Tá an tÚdarás Náisiúnta Iompair ag glacadh le hiarratais anois ó dhaoine aonair atá cáilithe go cuí do Ghrúpa Comhairleach nuabhunaithe Úsáideoirí Iompair. Beidh an Grúpa comhdhéanta de dhaoine...

NTA to Establish Transport Users Advisory Group

The group will provide advice and recommendations to the Authority from the perspective of both transport users as well as those engaged in active travel The National Transport Authority is now accepting applications from suitably qualified individuals for a newly established Transport Users Advisory Group (TUAG). The Group is to be made up of regular users of public transport...

The November edition of the SPSV Industry Update (Issue 54) is now available.

Click below to view the November edition of the SPSV Industry Update.  

Tacóidh Táille 90 Nóimead Éad TFI le Taisteal Réidh ar Fud an Ghréasáin Iompair Phoibhlí I mBaile Átha Cliath

D’fhógair an tÚdarás Náisiúnta Iompair inniu go dtabharfaí táille 90 nóiméad TFI isteach ar fud sheirbhísí Transport for Ireland i gceantar Bhaile Átha Cliath ón 28 Samhain 2021 i leith. Is é an toradh a bheidh ar an gcóras táillí a athchóiriú go hiomlán ná go gceadófar do phaisinéirí aistriú saor in aisce idir seirbhísí Bhus Átha...

TFI 90 Minute fare to support seamless travel across the Public Transport Network in Dublin

New 80 cent flat fare for children up to and including 18 years with the option of a free transfer within 90 minutes The National Transport Authority (NTA) has today announced the introduction of the TFI 90 Minute fare across Transport for Ireland services in the Dublin area from the 28th November 2021. The revamping of the fare...