Showing 731 - 740 of 1132 articles
NTA launches campaign to encourage respect for public transport staff
The NTA has today launched their ‘Staff Respect’ campaign to encourage customers to show respect for public transport drivers, staff and taxi drivers who continue providing vital services for essential workers. The two-week national campaign will go live across national and regional radio, digital and social media channels as well as on-board public transport vehicles...
COVID Restrictions Place Pressure on Public Transport Services
Public transport should only be used for essential journeys and customers should avoid peak time travel. That’s the message from the National Transport Authority (NTA) as reduced capacity levels on public transport remain in place causing pressure on some services. In line with the government’s living with COVID-19 Level 5 plan, public transport capacity is...
NTA Statement on Moving to Level 5 of Living with COVID
Under Level 5 of the Plan for Living with Covid-19, from Thursday morning public transport will operate at 25% capacity, primarily for the purposes of allowing those providing essential services to get to work. We expect that the overall national restrictions that will be in place under Level 5 will lead to a fall in...
Public Consultation on Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) Draft Regulations 2020
Submissions can now be made on the below Public Consultations. SPSV Licensing Fees Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure Covid-19) (Fees) Draft Regulation 2020 by clicking here. Maximum Permissible Age Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) (2) Draft Regulation 2020 by clicking here.
Awards galore at the first virtual Campus Awards!
Watch the recording of the awards ceremony. This afternoon students from third level colleges around the country were awarded for running events, developing and designing marketing and engineering projects and creating videos, animations, radio ads and graphics for the National Transport Authority’s Smarter Travel Campus Awards 2020. The entries produced by students, promote ‘smarter’ modes...
Taxi Statistics Bulletin 2019
Taxi Statistics Bulletin 2019 Taxi Statistics Infographic 2019
New Dublin Area Bus Network now published
The bus network plan is bus services only and a separate 3rd round of public consultation for the Core Bus Corridor (bus lanes and cycle lanes/tracks) will take place later this year. Overall new network will enable more people to travel, to more places, more often Thursday 24th September 2020 – Following three rounds of...
SPSV Telephone Survey
A confidential telephone survey of SPSV drivers nationwide will be commenced in the coming days. This survey will aim to establish how services have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and will cover areas such as current demand, operational expenses and insurance, together with other topical items for the industry. The survey...
Sustainable Transport the Big Winner in Limerick/Shannon Strategy
Last updated: 21/09/2020 Public transport, walking and cycling are set to be the big winners in the Limerick Shannon Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (LSMATS), the draft of which was published today by the National Transport Authority (NTA), in collaboration with Limerick City and County Council, Clare County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland. Public consultation on...