Have Your Say! Public Consultation on Taxi Fares closes Friday 16 August

Maximum Taxi Fare 2024 - Public Consultation

25 July 2024

The Maximum Taxi Fare Review 2024 proposes a weighted average increase of 9% over current fares, together with:

  1. The extension of the Special Tariff(already in existence over the Christmas Holiday period) across the late-night weekend periods of midnight to 4am to incentivise increased taxi services at that peak; and
  2. An increase in the Booking Fee from €2.00 to €3.00 to incentivise suburban and rural service provision.

The National Maximum Taxi Fare Review is carried out by the National Transport Authority (NTA) approximately every two years to assess any changes in the operating costs and market environment facing the taxi industry. The 2024 Review report examined the cost of running a taxi service compared to 2022, when the previous fare increase was made (for the full period since 2017 as the Covid 2020 increase was not brought in). The report also takes into account inflation, the cost of living and local and global economic factors. The report has found that, overall, the costs associated with operating a taxi increased between 2022 and 2024 by approximately 9%.

NTA invites submissions from all interested parties including users and providers until Friday 16th August 2024.

 You can read the full report and have your say by clicking this link to the Maximum Taxi Fare 2024 – Public Consultation Page.