Traffic changes – closure of Fassaugh Road (Liam Whelan) Bridge, Cabra (3-16 July)

23 June 2015

The Fassaugh Road (Liam Whelan) Bridge will be replaced as part of the Luas Cross City Main Infrastructure Contract.  Fassaugh Road will therefore be closed to vehicular traffic between the junctions of Fassaugh Road / Connaught Street / Shandon Crescent and Fassaugh Road /Fassaugh Avenue / St. Attracta’s Road / Dowth Avenue, from July 3rd – 26th July 2015. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Access to Mount Bernard Park from Connaught Street will be restricted temporarily during the bridge works. Access to the park from Shandon Crescent will remain unaffected.

To facilitate access to Fassaugh Road and Connaught Street and to maintain local access the following diversions will be in place: