Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (WMATS) to Regenerate and Transform Waterford City & Suburbs
The NTA, has today published the Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (WMATS).
WMATS aims to provide an accessible, high-quality and integrated transport network to meet the travel demands and support the sustainable growth of the Waterford Metropolitan Area (WMA), as the major growth engine of the South East, up to 2040.
The development of a compact concentric city including north of the River Suir and other key locations, will be supported by integrated transport investment to create an attractive, liveable city region, connecting city suburbs and other settlements in the WMA.
WMATS addresses decarbonisation targets through the delivery of transport infrastructure and services, and sets out an integrated suite of measures for walking, cycling, public transport and freight.
The strategy is a metropolitan area-scale plan, which is directly informed by national and regional level policies including: National Planning Framework 2040 (NPF), the National Development Plan 2021-2030 (NDP), the National Investment Framework for Transport in Ireland (NIFTI) the National Sustainable Mobility Policy (NSMP), Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region and the Waterford Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP).
It has been developed by the NTA in collaboration with Waterford City and County Council, Kilkenny County Council, the Southern Regional Assembly and Transport Infrastructure Ireland.
Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (WMATS) has more information.