NTA Sustainability Strategy (2024-2030)

We understand sustainability and the need to continue building awareness and capability throughout our business, in areas including biodiversity, climate and the circular economy

National Transport Authority (NTA) has today launched its first Sustainability Strategy (2024-2030), highlighting the organisation’s commitment to:

  • implementing and promoting sustainability practices nationally across the transport sector, and;
  • reducing its own carbon emissions at corporate level by 51% by 2030.

Background to our Sustainability Strategy

National Policy

As a public sector body, we are committed to playing our part in leading national efforts to combat climate change. Our Sustainability
Strategy is therefore guided by various public sector strategies, mandates, and frameworks.
These include:

  • The Department of Transport’s Statement of Strategy 2023-2025
  • The Climate Action Plan 2024
  • The Public Sector Climate Action Strategy 2023-2025
  • The National Sustainable Mobility Policy
  • The Public Sector Climate Action Mandate 2024.

It is imperative that we align our strategy to national policies to keep us on track for achieving a common goal of protecting our
Many of these policies include ambitions to decarbonise public transport, improve accessibility, create sustainability governance structures and expand green public procurement, all of which have been integrated into our own strategy.

Anne Graham Chief, Executive Officer:We understand sustainability and the need to continue building awareness and capability throughout our business, in areas including biodiversity, climate and the circular economy

NTA Sustainability Strategy 2024-2030

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NTA Sustainability Strategy GAE

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