
Publications by Category

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Showing 121 - 130 of 220 publications

Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy 2040


Tags: Strategic planning/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 24 February 2021

Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan IRISH


Tags: Active Travel/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 2 February 2021

Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan


Tags: Active Travel/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 2 February 2021

Prompt payments 2016


Tags: Corporate and Finance/Finance & Payments

Date of Publication: 28 January 2021

Customer Satisfaction Survey 2019


Tags: Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Statistics

Date of Publication: 6 January 2021

Project Approval Guidelines 2020


Tags: Corporate and Finance/Corporate Publications

Date of Publication: 22 December 2020

Official Languages Act 2003 Language Scheme 2020-2023

2020 - 2023

Tags: Corporate and Finance/Corporate Publications

Date of Publication: 15 December 2020

Canal Cordon Report 2019


Tags: Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Statistics

Date of Publication: 27 November 2020

Bus Stop Pole Information Note


Tags: Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Public Transport Operator Contracts

Date of Publication: 17 November 2020

TFI Local Link Rural Transport Programme Strategic Plan 2018 to 2022


Tags: Connecting Ireland/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 6 October 2020