
Publications by Category

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Showing 131 - 140 of 220 publications

TFI Local Link Review of Evening and Night Time Services 2018


Tags: Connecting Ireland/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 6 October 2020

TFI Local Link Review of Evening and Night Services 2019


Tags: Connecting Ireland/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 6 October 2020

NTA Bus and Rail Statistics 2019

Tags: Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Statistics

Date of Publication: 29 September 2020

NTA Taxi Statistics 2019

Tags: Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Statistics

Date of Publication: 29 September 2020

Transport Investment Reports 2017 – 2019

2017 - 2019

Tags: Capital Projects/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 21 September 2020

NTA Heavy Rail Census Report 2018 and 2019

2018 - 2019

Tags: Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing/Statistics

Date of Publication: 31 December 2019

Maritime Activity 2019


Tags: Corporate and Finance/Enforcement

Date of Publication: 31 December 2019

Bus Coach Activity Report 2019


Tags: Corporate and Finance/Enforcement

Date of Publication: 31 December 2019

Integrated Implementation Plan 2019-2024

2019 - 2024

Tags: SEA & Natura/Strategies, Projects, Planning & Climate

Date of Publication: 1 December 2019

Determination No. 1 – Monthly and annual fares for all operators providing contracted public transport services with effect from 1 December 2019


Tags: Fares/Performance, Statistics, Contracts & Bus Licensing

Date of Publication: 30 October 2019