
Showing 341 - 350 of 382 articles

CYGNUS, HALE and AQUILA approved by LMS – Contact your installer…

This list shows which taximeters can operate with dual programs that will allow you to get your taximeter updated with the 2018 fare now. Note that for some taximeters there is more than one program/installer and so you should check with your installer that their individual program is LMS approved. Once the programme is installed,...

Maximum Fare Order Proposal Approved

Section 24 of the Taxi Regulation Act 2013 empowers NTA to make a “maximum fares order” fixing the maximum fares that may be charged by the driver of a taxi. The making of a maximum fares order is a matter reserved for NTA Board determination. The NTA Board met today (September 15) to consider the...

SPSV Industry Update Issue 38

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Public Consultation on taxi fare review gets under way

3.22% increase of maximum taxi fares proposed Proposals that maximum fares should be increased in line with costs of running a taxi, are going out to public consultation today. The 2017 National Minimum Taxi Fare Review which was published earlier this month found that between 2014 and 2016, the cost of operating a taxi went...

National Maximum Fare Update

It remains a legal obligation to have every taximeter calibrated (programmed) and verified (sealed) by the Legal Metrology Service to the current National Maximum Taxi Fares Order 2015 when operating. The initial sanction for a failure in this regard is as follows: • Failure to comply with the Regulations in relation to the calibration of...

National Maximum Taxi Fare Review Report & Fact Sheet Published

The objectives of the National Maximum Taxi Fare Review are to: • Estimate the average activity level of taxis in a year based on survey data, research results and Central Statistics Office (CSO) data; • Update each element of the Taxi Cost Index (TCI), including the “fixed cost” of an average taxi, the running costs...


The application period for the 2017 Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Grant Scheme has now closed.

SPSV Industry Update Issue 37

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Dramatic increase in NTA taxi checks in 2016

There was a dramatic increase in the number of on street licensing checks carried out by NTA Compliance Officers last year, according to the latest Taxi Statistical Bulletin published on 1st May 2017.