Driver Licences Statistics

31 January 2025

The table below sets out the number of SPSV (Small Public Service Vehicle) driver licences active in the country on the date set out, listed by area in which the drivers are licenced to operate.

SPSV driver licence holders can operate as taxi, hackney or limousine drivers.

SPSV drivers who choose to operate a taxi can only stand or ply for hire in their specified geographical area.

These figures are updated monthly.

County Name Primary Area Additional Area Total
Carlow 182 410 592
Cavan 136 105 241
Clare 424 31 455
Cork 2275 46 2321
Donegal 462 16 478
Dublin 16491 579 17070
Galway 1332 125 1457
Kerry 1085 24 1109
Kildare 405 294 699
Kilkenny 231 263 494
LAH Area 18 3 21
Laois 210 153 363
Leitrim 73 144 217
Limerick 1050 45 1095
Longford 102 230 332
Louth 620 398 1018
Mayo 370 11 381
Meath 356 627 983
Monaghan 104 108 212
Offaly 147 171 318
Roscommon 100 708 808
Sligo 210 66 276
Tipperary 306 3 309
Waterford 371 150 521
Westmeath 296 117 413
Wexford 226 168 394
Wicklow 178 601 779
Total 27,760