New fleet of buses will on the streets of the City in 2018
The National Transport Authority has today announced Bus Éireann as the preferred bidder for the contract relating to the operation of five city bus routes in Waterford City. This followed a competitive process involving five bids from Irish and international companies.
NTA will be formally sending the company a detailed Letter of Intent in the coming weeks.
Anne Graham Chief Executive Officer of the National Transport Authority said: “This is ultimately about improving bus services for people in Waterford City, and making public transport a more attractive option for members of the travelling public in the city.
“A significant benefit is the new fleet of 17 vehicles that we are purchasing for these services. The buses are powered by the latest Euro VI diesel engine, which are much cleaner in use than older diesel engines.
“They are all certified as ‘low emission vehicles’, which means that they generate about 30% less carbon emission than standard diesel buses.
“The vehicles are fitted with various technologies that capture and use energy normally lost through braking, making them very fuel efficient.
“These buses will be on the streets of Waterford in 2018, so today’s announcement is not just good news for the people of Waterford, it is also good news for the environment.”
All the buses will have a wheelchair space and a buggy space, plus a motorised ramp at the entrance door to allow wheelchairs to board easily.
USB chargers will be installed at every seat and WIFI will be available throughout.
The buses will also be equipped with audio “next stop” announcements and a visual display of the name of the next stop.
Anne Graham added: “Public transport demand and activity has picked up in recent years in line with economic and employment growth, and today’s announcement will give more passengers in Waterford City, a more attractive and sustainable public transport option.
“Bus passenger growth in Waterford in recent years has been relatively modest, and we believe that today’s announcement can make a significant difference in that regard.
“Under this arrangement, there will be an immediate overall increase in service level of about 5%. The most significant change in terms of frequency will be seen on Route 604 (Carrickphierish Rd. – The Quay), where the number of daily services is to increase from 15 to 21.
“But during the course of the contract, as more people avail of their local bus service, it would be our intention to further increase frequency and improve service levels across the board.