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Showing 11 - 20 of 1019 articles

Local Area Hackney – New Application – Ballinalee, Co Longford

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...

First phase of 2024 fares determination to take effect from 23rd June

The first phase of the fares determination for Public Service Obligation (PSO) services that was announced earlier this year will take effect from Sunday 23rd June. Discounted TFI 90-minute €2 fare remaining in place Most of the discounted fares introduced in 2022, including the €2 TFI 90-minute fare in Dublin, are remaining in place.  The TFI...

National Transport Authority is looking for talented, enthusiastic individuals to join our team

The National Transport Authority is a fast paced, dynamic, growing organisation. We are currently involved in the implementation of a number of exciting major projects including the BusConnects programme, MetroLink, DART+, new public transport services, as well as the technology that supports Leap Card, Real Time Passenger Information and the move to cashless payments for...

Smarter Travel Newsletter – May 2024

Ready, Set, Cycle The Ready, Set, Cycle programme ran from April 8th to May 19th concluding the 6 week programme that promotes cycling on the commute and beyond. The programme saw involvement from over 50 Smarter Travel Campus partner organisations and campuses participate in a range of different events and challenges that promote cycling: Try...

Minister Ryan launches two all-electric buses in Dingle/ Daingean Ui Chuis area

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan has today joined the NTA and TFI Local Link Kerry to announce the launch of two all-electric buses for the Dingle Daingean Uí Chúis area, making the trip around the peninsula quieter and emissions-free. This announcement builds on the significant advancements in Kerry’s public transport networks since 2021 as part...

SPSV Industry Update Issue 64

Click below to view the May edition of the SPSV Industry Update

NTA releases new Infrastructure Equality Guidance for Active Travel schemes

The National Transport Authority (NTA) has released a new Infrastructure Equality Guidance document which aims to promote accessible and equitable infrastructure within active travel schemes across Ireland. The importance of accessible and equitable infrastructure The NTA recognises the importance of funding infrastructure that meets the needs of all members of society and is committed to...

Proposed new rail timetable published for public consultation

DART and Commuter times to change, and feedback sought on options for Northern Commuter / Enterprise Broombridge stop proposed to be added to all Sligo line services to connect with Luas Green Line More Intercity Train train services for Galway, Waterford, Dublin, Belfast, and Cork Commuter network. More Intercity train services to/from Galway and Waterford...

Hotel Courtesy Cars and Drivers must have a Licence

Midleton District Court in Cork ruled on Monday that a hotel courtesy car operating without a SPSV licence was doing so unlawfully. Courtesy cars with eight passenger seats or less must be licensed as an SPSV and driven by SPSV Drivers. (Vehicles with nine or more passenger seats do not fall under any SPSV regulation.)...