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Showing 961 - 970 of 1025 articles

Letter to the Editor of the Irish Examiner from Anne Graham, CEO, National Transport Authority

Victoria White’s piece in your newspaper (Thursday, 16 February 2017) was a timely addition to the debate on bus services. There seems however to be a fundamental misunderstanding of the NTA’s role and remit as set out in enabling legislation.

Two thirds of passengers into Dublin City Centre use sustainable transport modes

The Canal Cordon Report 2016 published by NTA and Dublin City Council, reports that 134,559 people travel into the city centre at peak time using bus, train, Luas, walking or cycling. This is up from 132,188 in 2015.

Household Travel Survey 2017 Launched

The National Household Travel Survey 2017 which will collect information on travel patterns of the Irish public, targeting over 6000 households from all over Ireland and the research will assist in future transport provision planning.

Introductory Statement from Anne Graham, Chief Executive, National Transport Authority

Thank you for the invitation to attend. I understand that the Committee wishes me address the topic “What it takes to sustain a viable rural community” and in my statement I focus in particular on public transport.  To assist me in dealing with your subsequent questions I am joined by Tim Gaston who manages public...

Early Notice – WAV17

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Grant Scheme 2017 The Authority has received news that limited funding of €750,000 will be made available for a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Grant Scheme to open next April to continue to encourage the wider availability of wheelchair accessible vehicles in Ireland’s fleet. All application forms, terms and conditions will be available...

Correction of NBRU inaccuracies

Claims made by the National Bus and Railworkers’ Union about the National Transport Authority, and by inference about its management, staff and board, in the last 24 hours cannot go unchallenged. The assertion made that NTA provides bonuses to the value of €500,000 to senior executives is quite simply untrue. NTA pays NO bonuses whatsoever...

Statement by National Transport Authority on bus services in rural communities

Tim Gaston, Director of Public Transport Services said: “Suggestions that decisions made by the National Transport Authority (NTA) in granting commercial licences to bus operators have been to blame for the difficulties being experienced by Bus Éireann, simply do not stand up to scrutiny.

Minister Humphreys gets on Board with new Local Link service for Cavan

  An innovative Local Link bus service will be launched by Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys, on 19 December, to serve Cavan Town and its environs. Consisting of two separate routes, C1 and C2, the new service is operated by Local Link Cavan Monaghan and serves Cavan Town and...