Latest Active Travel News

Showing 11 - 20 of 22 articles

A record €1 billion investment by Government since 2020 to prioritise safe walking and cycling for people

The Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan TD and Minister of State Jack Chambers TD joined National Transport Authority (NTA) Deputy CEO Hugh Creegan to announce €290m in funding to local authorities across Ireland to support the rollout of walking and cycling infrastructure in 2024. Surpassing the €1 billion mark This latest allocation means 2024 will...

Active Travel review of 2023

In 2023, the National Transport Authority achieved significant milestones in Active Travel projects across Ireland supported by over 300 million euros in funding from the Department of Transport and working on over 900 projects. Take a look at all we have achieved this year so far, we look forward to an exciting 2024 collaborating with...

NTA publishes Annual Report for 2022

The National Transport Authority (NTA) has today published its annual report and financial statements for 2022. 2022 – a significant year for the NTA It was a significant year for the NTA with passenger numbers on public transport returning to and exceeding the record highs achieved, pre-Covid, in 2019. Key strategic planning milestones were achieved...

NTA launches Bike Week 2023

The National Transport Authority (NTA) has today announced details of Bike Week 2023, which runs from Saturday May 13th to Sunday May 21st.   Over 900 Events Bike Week is an annual celebration and promotion of the benefits of cycling with over 900 events taking place across the country, including family events, heritage cycles, maintenance...

NTA to undertake largest ever survey of walking, wheeling and cycling in Ireland

Minister Ryan welcomes roll out of Walking and Cycling Index 2023 The National Transport Authority (NTA) was today joined by the Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, as it committed to undertaking the largest every survey of walking, wheeling and cycling in Ireland. The Walking and Cycling Index (previously the Bike Life report) will be expanded...

Minister Ryan welcomes news of twenty new Bike Libraries for Dublin Primary Schools

New Bike Libraries for Dublin Primary Schools Hundreds of families are set to experience the benefits that come from choosing to cycle their daily commute to and from school, as part of a new partnership between the National Transport Authority and University College Dublin (UCD) which will see the introduction of 20 new “Bike Libraries”...

Minister Ryan joins NTA as €290m is made available for walking and cycling infrastructure this year

Minister Ryan joins NTA as €290m is made available for walking and cycling infrastructure this year The Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan TD today confirmed that the National Transport Authority (NTA) has allocated funds to Ireland’s local authorities with a view to spending €290m on walking and cycling infrastructure in 2023. This substantial investment will...

Minister Naughton Announces Round Two of the Safe Routes to School Programme

Christmas comes early for the growing number of young people cycling, walking and wheeling to school Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Hildegarde Naughton TD, alongside the NTA and Santa Claus, in announcing that 108 schools will be included in the Safe Routes to School Programme. The Safe Routes to School Programme aims...

Active Travel Pilot Scheme for New Zebra Crossings

The NTA, in collaboration with the Department of Transport and Active Travel teams in Limerick City and County Council and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, is beginning a pilot scheme of a new type of zebra crossing. The pilot will see 8 new crossings installed, 5 in Limerick and 3 in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown, without flashing orange...