Bus Stops

Serving communities nationwide by providing and improving Bus Stop infrastructure

Bus stops

Bus Stop Objective

National Transport Authority’s (NTA) objective is to promote and grow public transport in Ireland and provide ease of access for people using public transport.

This involves providing standardized stop identification through the installation of new TFI (Transport for Ireland) Bus Stop Poles, clear demarcations for buses to stop, and improving existing infrastructure as required, in line with standards and guidelines.
The NTA is responsible for overall funding, planning, and implementation of bus stop projects and ensuring bus stop infrastructure is maintained nationwide.


Transport for Ireland (TFI) Bus Stop Flag

The TFI Flag is designed to represent a brand all over Ireland that provides the essential information to bus passengers. As part of the NTA’s Bus Connects Programme, all bus poles will become TFI Bus Stop Poles.

Approval for stopping locations

Since 1 February 2013, Local Authorities are responsible for the issuing and renewal of approval for the use of bus stops, whether existing or proposed.  This is in accordance with SI 12 of 2013 and Section 16 of the Road Traffic Act 2002.  Section 16 transfers the responsibilities for the location of bus stops from An Garda Síochána to the Local Authorities.

Consequently, on receipt of a formal offer of a bus route from the National Transport Authority (NTA), a bus/coach operator must also get approval from the relevant local authority for the use of a particular bus/coach stop location, whether this stop is existing or proposed.

Locating bus stops

NTA has implemented the Journey Planner platform which maps all active bus stops. With Journey planner, passengers can access any route information at one place either to plan their journey or to catch the nearest bus. Below is the link and interface of Journey Planner.

Journey Planner | Transport for Ireland

Bus stops Upgrade Programme

NTA is working nationwide to upgrade and provide new bus stops. New and upgraded stops are being rolled out for a number of key initiatives including:

  • Dublin Network Redesign (NRD)
  • Cork NRD
  • Limerick NRD
  • Galway NRD
  • Connecting Ireland
  • Town services

Projects completed and ongoing in 2024/2025.

In 2024 the NTA completed works in many counties across the country and notable works include:

  • Launch of the N2 bus service in Dublin
  • Completion of works at Hazelhatch bridge Kildare to connect routes W61 and W62, allowing passengers to go from Maynooth to Tallaght and vice versa.
  • Extended Route 83 Crumlin village
  • Tendered to upgrade stop infrastructure at circa 270 locations in Cork city and county council. This work will commence in 2025.
  • Prepared tender documents for a further 2,000 pole installations across Dublin
  • Upgrade of the Bus terminal at Munster technical university Cork.
  • Commenced planning and design work on Galway & Limerick NRD’s
  • Significant bus stops completed at Greenogue Ashbourne, Corduff, Lusk and at Drom and Inch Tipperary.
  • On 26th January 2025, the NTA will be launching the E spine bus routes in Dublin.


To report any issues with bus stops

For any issues associated with bus stops nationwide please contact info@nationaltransport.ie.

bus stop pole, fence and bus lane  cycle nlane and bus lane and cycle sign

Guidance for Local Authorities, Developers and Contractors

For Local Authorities, Developers or Contractors proposing to temporarily relocate a bus stop, please populate the form here: Relocation of a bus stop and return to info@nationaltransport.ie

For Local Authorities, Developers or Contractors installing new bus stop hardstands and retention sockets, please follow the attached Certification Procedure:

NTA is continuously reviewing and updating the standards as the Cycle Design Manual has been revised in September 2023.

In addition, other Guidelines including Bus Design Guidance Manual, Tactile Design Manual are being prepared.

Additional Documents and Information