The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programme was developed in partnership by the NTA and Green-Schools, An Taisce, in 2020, as a response to the need to support schools to increase walking and cycling to school.
Aims of the SRTS Design Guide:
- The aim of this guide is to provide technical guidance on design principles and considerations that will enable Local Authorities, in conjunction with Green-Schools, to create safer, calmer, more attractive routes to school and front of school environments; and
- The guide also provides designers with a set of design concepts and ideas, and precedent examples of schemes that have successfully enhanced sustainable access to school.
The NTA also produced a Rapid Build SRTS Front of School Improvements Advice Note in July 2023- using rapid build, cost-effective methods both to maximise the amount of Safe Routes to School infrastructure delivered within available budgets and to increase the speed of delivery