Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

National Transport Authority Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2023

The National Transport Authority has published its Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2023. It was another exceptionally busy year for the Authority with a record number of people using public transport in Ireland. In addition, major projects, plans and initiatives commenced and were advanced and completed during the year:

  • Our bus network redesign continued in 2023. Two sub-phases, phases 5a and 5b of the BusConnects Dublin network redesign were delivered. In addition, two new town bus services were launched in Carlow and Clonmel. The BusConnects Network Redesigns for Limerick and Galway were finalised and published in 2023 with work commencing on an implementation plan for the new networks in both cities.
  • The 20% fare reduction for Public Service Obligation (PSO) operated services was maintained in 2023. We also launched the National Fares Strategy during the year which will ultimately bring more equitable and fairer fares throughout the PSO network.
  • During the year, the first fully electric bus service commenced in Athlone. We also saw the first tranche of double-deck electric buses entering service in Dublin.
  • Work continued on the DART+ Fleet order for battery electric multiple units (BEMU) with the first deliveries expected in late 2024/ early 2025.
  • In 2023, €341 million was allocated to active travel projects throughout the state. Some of the major active travel schemes completed were the Salmon Weir Bridge in Galway and the Tramore Valley Park pedestrian and cycle link in Cork.
  • In 2023, we awarded the contract for the Next Generation AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) system.
  • The procurement process for Next Generation Ticketing (NGT) continued in 2023 with conclusion of the procurement competition in early 2024.
  • In 2023, we launched the Local Hackney Pilot Scheme which aims to assist in the provision of part-time local hackney services in designated rural areas which cannot support a full time taxi or hackney operation. In addition, the total number of SPSV driver licences has now almost recovered to 2019 levels.
  • In 2023, new Direct Award Contracts for Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann from end of 2024 were agreed by the Authority and these will commence in December 2024.
  • The Authority also committed to increasing the proportion of subsidised bus services operated following a competitive tender up to 2029.

Further Information

You can find this Annual Report together with previous annual reports including NTA Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022 in the publications area of our website.