BusConnects Dublin Programme Progress Report March 2025

Recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)

The purpose of this report is to update on the progress of the BusConnects Dublin Programme.

It has been prepared in response to recommendations provided to the National Transport Authority (NTA) in July 2023 by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and is published to the BusConnects website on a twice-yearly basis.

Recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)

The key recommendations of the PAC were:

  • that the NTA publishes a twice-yearly update on the BusConnects Programme on the dedicated BusConnects website. As part of these updates, customer satisfaction surveys should be undertaken, and the results published, and;
  • that the NTA provides detailed metrics that demonstrate the success of initiatives implemented under the BusConnects Programme, and specifically for the Network Redesign Project.

This progress report will include status updates on the projects that make up the BusConnects Dublin Programme and the progress towards achievement of the Programme’s outcomes. The key metrics included will apply to projects and initiatives that have been implemented more than six months prior to the report to allow for appropriate time to collect and analyse the relevant data while also acknowledging that results of these implementations may require several months or more to materialise.

Dublin Network Redesign Project

Specific to the Dublin Network Redesign Project that is part of the BusConnects Dublin Programme, the NTA will report on the following metrics, among others, as a means of measuring the success of newly implemented Phases: annualised cost changes; annualised passenger number changes; punctuality; reliability; and a yearly customer satisfaction. To account for the impacts of COVID-19, 2019 was chosen as the baseline year for comparison.

The vision and strategic objectives of the five BusConnects Programmes

This document also includes general information about the BusConnects Programme, including the vision and strategic objectives of the five BusConnects Programmes, information on the component projects of the BusConnects Dublin Programme, and an update on the current status of each project. As other BusConnects Programmes in Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford move into implementation, the report will expand to include relevant progress updates for each.


BC Programme Progress Report Mar 2025

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