Presentations of Taxi Consumer Survey & Taxi Driver Survey 2024

NTA Taxi Driver Presentation Feb 2024 and NTA Taxi Consumer Presentation Feb 2024

This page hosts the presentation reports for the NTA Taxi Driver Research – National Survey Presentation 2024 and NTA Taxi Consumer Presentation 2024

NTA Taxi Driver Presentation Feb 2024

This report details the findings of a representative survey of taxi drivers in Ireland.
Where possible, this report compares findings with previous survey results from 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023, with the Covid survey results (2021 and early 2022) highlighted.
This survey sets out to understand the current operating cost and working trends for taxi driver, with an additional focus on electric vehicle use.


The core objective of this survey was:
To understand the current operating costs for taxi drivers in Ireland in terms of their vehicle,
usage of third-party booking services and the working hours

This research aimed to understand:

  • Other costs associated with operating a taxi
  •  Current working trends among taxi drivers
  • Perceptions towards electric vehicles
  •  Experiences of those who drive an electric vehicle taxi

NTA Taxi Consumer Presentation Feb 2024

This report details the findings of a representative survey of taxi users in Ireland (February/March 2024).
This survey sets out to understand current and expected usage of taxis with a focus on electric vehicles and wheelchair accessible taxis (WAT). The information will be used to contribute to future plans for the industry.
Where possible, this report compares findings with previous survey results from 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023, with the Covid survey results (2021 and 2022) highlighted.


The core objective of this survey was:
To gain a nationally representative view of incidence and frequency of taxi usage in Ireland.

This research covered:

  • Incidence of taxi usage both in itself and in the context of other public transport modes.
  • Usage behaviour with regard to ordering.
  • Usage and preference for electric taxis.
  • Taxi experience for WAT users.
  • Understanding of how safe consumers perceive taxis to be.
  • Understanding of fares and electronic payments.
  • Attitudes towards taxis.


NTA Taxi Consumer Presentation Feb 2024

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- 4 MB

NTA Taxi Driver Presentation Feb 2024

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- 3 MB