Prompt Payments 2024- Quarterly Reports

This page has the Quarterly Prompt Payments Reports by the National Transport Authority – for 2024.

This is in accordance with Prompt Payments by Public Sector Bodies, pursuant to Government Decisions No. 29296 of 2 and 8 March 2011 on 15 Day Payments by: The Health Service Executive, the Local Authorities, State Agencies, and all other Public Sector Bodies, (excluding Commercial Semi-state bodies).

  • Parent Government Department: Transport
  • Public Sector Body: National Transport Authority
  • 2024 Q2
    • Quarterly Period Covered: 1st of April 2024 – 30th of June 2024 (Quarter 2)
  • 2024 Q1
    • Quarterly Period Covered: 1st of January 2024 – 31st of March 2024 (Quarter 1)



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File size
- 265 KB

Qtr 1 Prompt Payment 2024

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File size
- 570 KB