spsv committee – test page table display

text Infographic Park and Ride Limerick 1448 x 1024 pixels medium
trxt2 Infographic Park and Ride Galway 1448 x 1024pixels medium
text 3 Infographic Park and Ride Dublin 1448 x 1014 pixels medium
text4 Infographic Park and Ride Waterford 300x212 pixels medium


Infographic Park and Ride Limerick 1448 x 1024 pixels

Infographic Park and Ride Galway 1448 x 1024pixels

Infographic Park and Ride Dublin 1448 x 1014 pixels

Infographic Park and Ride Waterford 424x300 pixels


New table images set to Medium

row0 image set to medium portlaoise town bus service launch pl1 and pl2 text1
row1 vehicle parking 1600x635 rs_v2 text2
row2 Connecting Ireland 1600x600 TFI Local Link bus and Bus Eireann bus text3
row3 Carloe town bus service Anne Graham NTA, Minister Eamon Ryan, text4
row4 Zdro Emissions Bus with Minister Eamon Ryan CEO NTA Anne Graham and Stephen Kent, Chief Executive Officer, Bus Éireann text5


New table

Same images 
outside the table (Medium)

portlaoise town bus service launch pl1 and pl2

vehicle parking 1600x635 rs_v2

Connecting Ireland 1600x600 TFI Local Link bus and Bus Eireann bus


images set to thumbnail

row0 image set to Thumbnail Minister Ryan 100000 TFI Local link text1
row1 text2
row2 TFI Local Link bus by the sea 1600x500 banner text3
row3 text4
row4 TFI Local Link Accessibility Image text5