Latest News for SPSV Operators

Showing 141 - 150 of 396 articles

Guidelines for the Acceptance of Cashless Payments in Taxis

On 17 June last, the NTA Board approved the Small Public Service Vehicle (Cashless Payment Facility) Regulations in addition the increase of the National Maximum Taxi Fare by 12% weighted across popular journeys and the Premium and Standard Rates. The revised fare includes a 1% increase for the costs associated with providing a Cashless Payment...

Taxi & Private Hire Routing Information for Marlay Park Concerts & Longitude Festival 2022

PEAK PERIOD The busiest times for traffic inbound will be from 15:00 to 20:00 on Monday 27th June & Tuesday 28th June & Wednesday 29th June and then from 11:00 to 18:00 on Friday 1st July until Sunday 3rd of July. In addition, it will be busy for the main exit periods, from 22:00 to...

Re-opening of eSPSV22 – Electric SPSV Grant Scheme 2022

Re-opening of eSPSV22 – Electric SPSV Grant Scheme 2022 The Department of Transport confirmed yesterday that eSPSV22 will reopen for applications on 1 August. Applications will be accepted up to 30 November 2022 for this scheme. Vehicles must be licensed (passed the suitability inspection) by 31 December 2022 to get the funding.  If this has...

Local Area Hackney – New Application – Killenaule, Co. Tipperary

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...

Approved – Taxi Fares Increase and Cashless Payment Facility Regulations

Approved – Taxi Fares Increase and Cashless Payment Facility Regulations   Today, following public consultations which concluded on 27 May, the NTA Board met to consider the proposed National Maximum Taxi Fare increase and Small Public Service Vehicle (Cashless Payment Facility) Regulations. The Board approved both the proposed increase of the National Maximum Taxi Fare...

Dublin Pride Parade 2022 – Road Closures/Suspension of Parking

Dublin Pride Parade 2022 – Road Closures/Suspension of Parking The Dublin Pride Parade will take place on Saturday, 25 June 2022. The organisers of the parade have advised the NTA of the road closures and of the suspension of parking in certain areas needed to facilitate the parade, please see below details. More details are...

Local Area Hackney – New Application – Camp, Co. Kerry

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...

Local Area Hackney – New Application – Lisronagh, Co. Tipperary

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...

Local Area Hackney Update

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...