Latest News for SPSV Operators

Showing 211 - 220 of 396 articles

Regulatory Consultations on Proposed Emergency Measures for the SPSV Industry

NTA’s regulatory consultations on proposed 2022 SPSV licence fee changes and an extension of the ‘inactive’ SPSV licence period, are now open to submissions and can be accessed via the links below.   Public Consultation on Draft Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) (Fees) Regulations 2021   Public Consultation on Draft Small Public Service...

Scam Calls being made to SPSV Licence Holders

The Garda Carriage Office has received a number of reports from SPSV licence holders who believe they have been victims of attempted scam calls over the past number of days. The licence holders receive calls on their mobile phones and when answered a voice recording plays the following message: “This is the Garda Carriage Office....

Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan, advises of changes to the horizontal supports available to the SPSV industry

Last evening Minister Eamon Ryan wrote to the Advisory Committee on SPSVs (the ‘Committee’) advising of changes to the horizontal supports available to the SPSV industry. In his correspondence Minister Ryan confirmed that following his recent engagement with both the Committee and NTA, he and the Department of Transport have been reflecting on possible additional,...

Minister for Health extends the period of effect of the COVID-19 Face Coverings Regulations

The Minister for Health has made further Regulations extending the period of effect of the Health Act 1947 (Section 31A – Temporary Restrictions) (Covid-19) (Face Coverings in Small Public Service Vehicles and Certain Premises) Regulations 2020 (S.I. No. 569 of 2020). These Regulations shall now remain in effect until the 9th day of November 2021....

Wheelchair Accessible Grant Scheme 2021 Update

The Terms and Conditions associated with the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Grant Scheme 2021 (WAV21) have been updated. These updated Terms and Conditions will apply to all new applicants and to all existing applicants who have not yet completed the Grant process, that is to say those existing applicants who have not yet completed their suitability...

The May edition of the SPSV Industry Update (Issue 52) is now available.

Click below to view the May edition of the SPSV Industry Update.    

Approved – Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) Regulations 2021

Approved – Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) Regulations 2021 Following public consultation, the NTA Board approved the signing of the Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) Regulations 2021 today. In the context of COVID-19 and the associated extraordinary economic circumstances being experienced by the industry, these emergency regulations facilitate the licensing of...

Resumption of SPSV Driver Entry Testing

NTA’s SPSV Driver Entry Test Programme has resumed following latest public health advices.   Since NTA stopped providing the SPSV Driver Entry Testing Programme following COVID-19  public health restrictions, we have prepared extensively with our service provider, Applus, to ensure that testing could resume in a manner that was safe for both candidates and employees...

Taxis and hackneys continue to be widely available in all parts of the country and are very often the best way of getting from one place to another.

“Taxis and hackneys continue to be widely available in all parts of the country and are very often the best way of getting from one place to another.” NTA Press Release advises off peak travel: