Latest News for SPSV Operators

Showing 261 - 270 of 396 articles

Some SPSV Inspection Centres and the NTA Booking Line will Reopen on Monday, 8 June

  Some SPSV Inspections services will resume next Monday, in line with public health advices.  This resumption will be completed on a phased basis starting with just 7 centres opening and a gradual increase in capacity until all 12 are operating. This will be subject to final approval from Government on Phase 2 of the...

Advisory Guidelines: Temporary COVID-19 Dividing Screens

Advisory Guidelines on the installation of Temporary COVID-19 Dividing Screens can be found in the document linked below:   Advisory Guidelines: Temporary COVID-19 Dividing Screens

Guidance on safe use of face coverings

Guidance on safe use of face coverings from the Department of Health   A cloth face covering is a material you wear that covers the nose and mouth.  Wearing a cloth face covering in public may reduce the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in the community. It may help to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets...

Tamper Proof Licence Disc Reapplications

[rl_gallery id=”23460″]   Shots from the first of our nationwide tamper proof licence disc reapplications in Galway. Government’s Roadmap to Reopening Businesses and Society for the slow return to normal came out last Friday. Have you suspended your insurance and vehicle licence? Are you planning when you might return to work? All operators with a...

SPSV Vehicle Licence Suspensions – Tamper-Proof Disc Reapplication

NTA is currently telephoning licence holders at least 5 working days before their suspension ends to establish whether they want to make a nationwide booking to have their tamper-proof discs reapplied or to extend the suspension period.  Licence holders may also email to arrange to end their suspension period earlier or later than initially...

COVID-19 Pandemic: SPSV Industry Information Note

All industry members are encouraged to read the latest version of the COVID-19 Pandemic: SPSV Industry Information Note which answers frequently asked questions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 Pandemic: SPSV Industry Information Note       NTA urges everyone to follow advice from the national authorities: DEASP Unemployment Payment Illness Benefit...

Public Consultation on Draft Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) Regulation 2020

Submissions can be made on the Public Consultation on Draft Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) Regulation 2020 by clicking here.   Draft Regulation   Draft Small Public Service Vehicle (Emergency Measure COVID-19) Regulation 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic – Useful Information for SPSV Industry Members

All industry members are encouraged to read the COVID-19 Pandemic: SPSV Industry Information Note which answers frequently asked questions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.   COVID-19 Pandemic: SPSV Industry Information Note   Please encourage all passengers to download and use the SPSV Driver Check App to save the details of the SPSV they have used in...

Breaking a Driver to Vehicle Link

SPSV Online Services/SPSV Industry App Licence holders already registered to use SPSV Online Services can create or break a driver to vehicle link by logging in and selecting the ‘break link’ option.   SMS Driver Links Licence holders already registered to create and break driver links using the SMS service can break a driver to...