Latest News for SPSV Operators

Showing 411 - 420 of 414 articles

SPSV Online Services – Driver Link Notifications

SPSV Online Services is a new web-based service that provides a simpler and better way to link yourself to a vehicle and now to view your history, with intuitive screens and a full history of all links created, changed or broken. Notifications of link changes will be sent to both affected drivers and vehicle licence holders....

Compliance activities in September 2015

Compliance Officers recorded a total of 8,601 checks of small public service vehicles during the month. As part of the day to day checks and also pre-arranged operations, seven individuals were detected operating without valid SPSV licences; two in Dublin and another five following operations carried out in Donegal. A total of 74 Fixed Payment...

Taxi Statistics for Ireland – Latest in series of National Transport Authority Statistical Bulletins

The National Transport Authority today (September 7, 2015) published its annual Bulletin on Taxi Statistics for Ireland. There are six categories of Small Public Service Vehicles (SPSVs) currently operating in Ireland: Taxi, Wheelchair Accessible Taxi, Hackney, Wheelchair Accessible Hackney, Local Area Hackney and Limousine. Most of the SPSV fleet is made up of taxis, with the majority operating in...

Compliance activities in August 2015

Compliance Officers recorded 4216 checks of small public service vehicles during the month. As part of the day to day checks and also pre-arranged operations, seven individuals were detected operating without valid SPSV licences; two in Dublin, two in Kerry, one in Tipperary, one in Cork and one in Sligo. 42 Fixed Payment Notices were...

SPSV Industry Update Issue 30

Download the PDF – Newsletter Issue 30

WAV15 Grant Scheme – Waiting List

Over 200 applications have been received for the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Grant Scheme which opened on 01 July.  Provisional offers have issued on a first come, first served basis and Applicants are currently being placed on a waiting list to be considered for the WAV15 Grant Scheme as provisional offers lapse. This Scheme offers financial...

Public Consultations on “Taxi Roof Signs” and “Mandatory SPSV Driver Safety Equipment”

The Report of the Taxi Regulation Review Group was published in 2012 on foot a wide ranging Government review of the small public service vehicle (SPSV – taxi, hackney, limousine) industry. The aim of the Review, chaired by Minister  Alan Kelly, was to allow consumers to have confidence in the SPSV industry, while also ensuring...

Compliance activities in July 2015

Compliance Officers recorded 4210 checks of small public service vehicles during the month. The increase in the number of checks, compared to previous months, resulted from a more simplified recording system available to each Compliance Officer. As part of the day to day checks and also pre-arranged operations, nineteen individuals were detected operating without valid...

Compliance activities in June 2015

Compliance officers recorded 830 formal checks of small public service vehicles during the month and, as a result of their work, detected eleven individuals operating without valid SPSV licences; five in Dublin, three in Wexford, two in Cork and one in Kerry. A total of 55 Fixed Payment Notices were issued to licence holders during...