Latest News for SPSV Operators

Showing 71 - 80 of 396 articles

Local Area Hackney – New Application – Oulart, Co. Wexford

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...

SPSV Statistics for Ireland 2022

SPSV Statistics for Ireland 2022 NTA published its 2022 annual Bulletin on SPSV Statistics for Ireland. This Bulletin provides information on the industry for 2022 as well as overall trends. Topics in the Bulletin include: Overall SPSV fleet numbers Vehicle licences issued SPSV fleet profile SPSV Driver licences SPSV contact centre Compliance Compliments and complaints...

Local Area Hackney – New Application – Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...

Local Area Hackney – New Application – Cloghane and Brandon, Co. Kerry

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...

The May edition of the SPSV Industry Update (Issue 60) is now available

Click below to view the May edition of the SPSV Industry Update.  

WAV23 Grant Scheme: Closed to New Applications

WAV23 Grant Scheme: Closed to New Applications NTA has had a remarkable response to the WAV23 (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle 2023) Grant Scheme since its launch on the 1st January 2023. As a result of the high level of interest, the allocated funding was increased from €2,000,000 to €3,000,000. Provisional Grant Offers have now been issued...

WAV23 Grant Scheme – Important Update

WAV23 Grant Scheme – Important Update NTA has had a remarkable response to the WAV23 (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle 2023) Grant Scheme since its launch on the 1st January 2023. As a result of the high level of interest, the allocated funding has increased from €2,000,000 to €3,000,000. NTA will contact all parties on the waitlist...

Local Area Hackney – New Application –Monamolin, Co. Wexford

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...

Local Area Hackney – New Application – Conna, Co. Cork

The Local Area Hackney (LAH) is a private hire category of SPSV that was created following the Taxi Regulation Review in 2012. The purpose of the LAH is to offer a SPSV service in a rural community where existing transport services do not serve the needs of the community. The LAH can meet the demand...