Smarter Travel Mark

Introducing the Smarter Travel Mark

The Smarter Travel Mark is a three tier certification that recognises and celebrates organisations that support active and sustainable travel on the commute and beyond for their workforce, students and visitors, resulting in a reduction in single-person car usage. 


Smarter Travel Mark Awardees:

Congratulations to the organisations that have been awarded the Smarter Travel Mark, demonstrating their commitment to changing attitudes and behaviours regarding walking, cycling, public transport usage and carpooling, by implementing measures that facilitate, support and encourage sustainable travel options for their workforce and visitors.

AECOM An Bord Pleanála Breedon Cement Business in the Community Ireland
Cavan County Council Central Bank of Ireland CIÉ Citi North Wall Quay
Clare County Council Clúid Housing Commission for Regulation of Utilities  Commission for Regulation of Utilities Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
Cork City Council Croke Park Stadium Culture Co-Working daa
DBFL Consulting Engineers Deloitte Ireland Headquarters Department of Agriculture Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Department of Enviornment, Climate and Communications Department of Finance Department of Health Department of Justice
Department of Public Expenditure & Reform Department of Transport Dublin City Council Dublin City University
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council – County Hall Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT) Edwards Lifesciences EirGrid
Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters ESB ESRI Expleo Ireland
Forensic Science Ireland Google Ireland Grant Thornton Ireland Greyhound Racing Ireland – Head Office
Henry J. Lyons  Houses of the Oireachtas HSE Castletroy HSE Roselawn House
HEAnet CLG & EduCampus Services Indecon Inland Fisheries Ireland – City West Business Campus Irish Blood Transfusion Service
Irish Fiscal Advisory Council KPMG – St. Stephen’s Green KPMG – Harbourmaster Jacobs Dublin

JB Barry Transportation


Mater Hospital


Maynooth University


McCann FitzGerald LLP


Law Reform Commission

Limerick College of Further Education and Training: Mulgrave Street Campus Merlin Park Hospital MKC Communications
MKO Planning & Environmental Consultancy National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh National Transport Authority National Treasury Management Agency
Northern Trust Office of the Attorney General Office of the Ombudsman Office of the Planning Regulator
Office of Public Works  Ornua PwC Ireland Quality and Qualifications Ireland
Residential Tenancies Board Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital Royal Irish Academy SEAI
SETU – Carlow & Wexford Campus SETU – Waterford Campus Sligo University Hospital South Dublin County Council
Sport Ireland Campus St James’s Hospital  STRATA Stryker
Tallaght University Hospital Technological University Dublin The National Maternity Hospital Transport Infrastructure Ireland
Triangle Computer Services Tuath Housing  Association – James’s Place East University College Dublin University Hospital Galway
University Hospital Limerick University of Limerick Waterford City and County Council


Certification levels:

Gold Smarter Travel Mark Gold: has outstanding measures in place that support sustainable and active commuting and is committed to long term investment and leadership in Smarter Travel
Silver Smarter Travel Mark Silver: has a broad range of measures in place that support sustainable and active commuting and is committed to further Smarter Travel actions.
Bronze Smarter Travel Mark Bronze: has basic measures in place that support sustainable and active commuting and is committed to further Smarter Travel actions.


Who can apply for the Smarter Travel Mark?

Application for the Smarter Travel Mark is open to workplaces and campuses of any size from the private or public sectors.

How the Smarter Travel Mark supports your organisation:

    • Provides national recognition of your organisation’s commitment to active and sustainable travel
    • Promotes integrating physical activity into staff and student commuting
    • Enhances your organisation’s reputation as an employer that supports active and sustainable travel
    • Helps your organisation benchmark active and sustainable travel practices amongst peers

How to apply for the Smarter Travel Mark:

  1. Fill in the Expression of Interest form and you will be contacted by the Smarter Travel team.
  2. Attend an information webinar explaining the steps to achieving the Smarter Travel Mark.
  3. Submit the application form.
  4. Prepare for an on-line or on-site audit to verify the application.
  5. Organisations will be awarded the gold, silver or bronze Smarter Travel Mark certification or receive recommendations for improvement.


For more information on the steps to achieving the Smarter Travel Mark, please review the brochure below: